Hey Check This Out (late)-Mia

 Parts of the US Becoming Uninhabitable Due to Climate Change


    I found this article to be extremely interesting and informative, in the main article it mentions the divide in ideas on where to live touching on how younger generations think more about this topic due to the advancement and progression of climate change in the not distant future. According to the article within the main article the majority of the southeast and really just the southern United States (even parts of the midwest) as a whole will become uninhabitable by what looks like 2050 due to not only rising temperatures (Maricopa county in Arizona is expected to have an avg. temperature of 95 degrees and above for around half the year) and sea levels re-sculpting landscapes but also what they're calling a "wet bulb" were the intense humidity will make it difficult for the human body to preform tasks such as cooling itself for one out of every 20 days of the year, and since actually habitable land will continue to move further northward this makes the agriculture that goes on in the Great Plains region increasingly difficult, as the article states this also includes High Plains agriculture which is a $35 billion industry causing an economic downfall (expected to exceed the current one caused by covid-19). Not only this but wildfires and fire seasons are expected to spread to much of the northwest (predominantly Oregon) and west (as we are already seeing) northwest Nevada is predicted to become the epicenter. I know the question of where to live (or move rather, Houston is swampland) has defiantly crossed my mind a few times as it is of increasing concern among younger generations seeing as I would prefer not to live in a place that will be completely ravaged by climate change, however I didn't find any of this surprising there is currently minimal effort to slow this down, yes there is still time (not much) but is is important to prepare for the worst.  


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