Children and Norway, Thinking Too Hard About The Hey Check This Out Page

This article mainly focuses on the United States and how it languishes behind in child flourishing. There are many very apparent reasons for this, but I'm not here to restate my Extended Essay, I'm here to talk about Norway. Norway ranks in the top three in this measure of child flourishing, but it also ranks as very unsustainable. Something that must be understood in the modern day is climate change and our current lifestyle. The consumer economy and the affluence of western nations has created an issue with our sustainability. Lavish lifestyles, easily obtainable luxury goods, excess of meats in our diet, reliance on automobiles, all of these things are a sign of wealth. Children reliably thrive in these environments, after all, the best measure of longevity is a combination of weight and wealth, but their futures are not secure. These lifestyles are supported by the natural resources and labor of developing nations, and unless we return to a directly imperialist and oppressive mindset, they cannot remain developing nations forever. Many western and western-influenced developed nations are wholly dependent on the continuation of cheap labor and debt from developing nations to continue their economic success. A great example is the american beef market. As we have discussed many times in class, we only have such cheap beef because we can get it cheap from nations with lower costs of living. Many of our economic sectors, especially industry and natural resources, are similar. Unless we intend to keep a lower economic class of nations permanently below us, even if climate change will never be an issue, our lifestyles are unsustainable regardless. Our carbon footprint is of course our chief concern at the moment, but our very lifestyles are economically, not just environmentally, completely unsustainable, and we're barely trying to find solutions for the latter.


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