A belated "Hey, Check This Out" blog

This article has been my favorite all year. The author brings up a topic I’ve observed when talking with friends and family, that being the desire for a more de-individualist more social society opposed to an individualist society- which is sort of what we have now with quarantine, people are by themselves more than usual and some aren’t enjoying it as much as they thought they would, because they are now realizing how much their life was centered around that connection. This is the complete opposite of the romanticised video game ideal: the individualist group with a dark backstory taking down a fascist regime.  Now with all the job loss and well, reality, people who may have fantasized about this in the past are now realizing ,maybe this isn’t as enjoyable as it sounds the reason being many are feeling very powerless about the whole situation whereas in video games you typically have this super-human esque main character who happens to take initiative to complete a mission and achieve the end goal, humans on the other hand aren’t like that (for all I know); meaning some people may desire a time in their life when they held more power over their actions (their de-individualist pre-quarantine lifestyle).   


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