DOW blog

The DOW, otherwise known as the Dow Jones industrial average is a stock market index which measures the stock production of 30 big companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States of America. Due to the coronavirus pandemic the DOW market has had a very large drop in value. In February 2020 the Dow was at a high of training points ($29k) but it has recently dropped to $18k due to COVID-19. Stay at home orders and social distancing are one of the main reasons why there is a large dip in the DOW. My sister read an article to me published by Harvard stating that social distancing will continue for two years. While I hope this is not the case, the DOW market will not be going up for a while.  However I have heard of some states opening up restaurants again and getting rid of social distancing. If this is the case I feel like the DOW will drop even more than it has dropped now because people will continue getting more sick. Maybe people will learn how to adapt to social distancing and other things that come along with corona and fit it into their every day life and the DOW will recover. The GPH the topics that I think relate to what is happening now are sustainability and globalization. Sustainability is lacking and we are seeing a lot of drops in markets. The government is also struggling financially and are putting fees on the smallest things. I know that in Harris County you can get food for not wearing a mask and also cops or keeping a closer eye on people when driving and whenever they have a chance today will pull you over if you were doing something wrong in order to get more money.  I think for globalization it is not something that has happened yet because everyone is trying to figure out how to recover from COVID-19 and prevent it. Once countries start to recover I believe that  businesses and organizations will start operating on an international scale in order to help other countries. 


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