COVID-19 Blog
As the coronavirus rages on, an important question arises: should western countries aid the so-called "third world," particularly Africa, in combating the pandemic? I believe the answer is no, for two main reasons.
My first objection is rather obvious: the United States currently has more confirmed COVID cases than all of Africa combined, and it isn't close. There are several possible explanations, including the warmer weather, but the exact reason isn't necessarily relevant. After a domestic coronavirus response which can only be described as a disaster of earth-shattering proportions, who are we to go on an international health crusade? There are millions of vulnerable Americans who are currently unable to receive adequate care. Our resources need to be going to them first, not abroad, and most certainly not to parasitic, too-big-to-fail corporations.
My second objection: when was America's last successful large-scale international intervention, violent or otherwise? The reality of the matter is that our track record internationally is not good. In my view, it is just a bit ridiculous to expect the people of Africa, or any non-western country, to welcome our aid with open arms. If history teaches us anything, we must recognize that American aid does not always come with pure intentions. Over the past decade, China has been coercing initially welcoming African countries with insurmountable debt accrued through exceedingly generous loans and investments. Under any other circumstances, most would recognize this sort of "generosity" as what it is: debt-trapping imperialism. It is not excusable when our country does the same, even (or especially) in the midst of a global pandemic.
Your Love, Cricket <3
Objection 1: The article doesn't advocate that developed nations provide aid before dealing with domestic issues. It argues that once developed nations deal with the issue in their own countries, they must help combat the virus in developing nations or else it will explode and inevitably re-emerge in developed nations, wasting their effort.
Objection 2: The article provides multiple solutions to the national imperialism issue, explaining how individual countries can provide aid indirectly through NGO's and IGO's like the WHO and the UN. Maybe you'd still consider this imperialism, but I think its quite a few steps above direct US involvement.
Yes, it would be absurd to give away resources if we at the time need them the most. And yes, foreign involvement with unequal power balances can lead to unequal deals. But who wants that? When you object to the US giving away resources it can't afford to lose, who's advocating that? I certainly don't think its the article's author. Even if some people do exist who might have it done badly, you stated plainly that we should not aid nations with weak medical systems in the face of a pandemic. I'm sure being under imperialism is disenfranchising for a nation, but so is bearing the brunt of a virus outbreak underfunded and unaided.
Final note: The article uses "rich/developed" and "developing," I'm curious why you decided to use western and third-world, especially considering you specifically mentioned China as I guess a western country.