Corona and the global cease fire
Sarah Laskin
Corona Blog
Specifically: The global cease fire
The concept of a global cease fire to put more relief for the virus is great in idea: the world unifying against a common enemy. However, in reality, this isn’t a fully effective plan. Even if all of the countries in the UN stopped fighting, there is no guarantee that our enemies would stop. In fact, they might take advantage of the cease fire to push their forces forward. Unfortunately, the guarantee of all war stopping is improbable because of the virus, as there are forces who do not care about casualties, just victory.
Luckily, the UN has way more firepower and military intelligence than any other force in the world, so even if our enemies don’t stop, we can still counter them (with relative ease hopefully).
With war and the pandemic in my mind, I wonder about biological warfare. We have all seen how effective corona has been about shutting down our society and turning our worlds upside down. Corona, while sometimes fatal and relatively easy to transmit, still managed to shut down the world. If a more fatal, easier to transmit disease were to come into the picture, think of what would happen to not just the USA but the world.
In response to my peers:
Emily W:
On the topic of border closures:
I agree with the statements of border closures and giving more aid to underdeveloped countries, but I’m struggling with how realistic these statements are. Our world is too interconnected to have total border closures without an economic crisis- and our world leaders unfortunately have to sacrifice some of our health to keep its citizens with jobs. In regards to the aid- I think we are giving aid to other countries, but even the developed countries are being swarmed with new cases each day, and if we can barely help ourselves how can we be expected to help countries with even less technology and development to fight the disease? Also, in response to loans- our government currently has a 0% interest rate on loans in an effort to keep people investing, so now is a great and easy time to get loans.
I agree with your points about how the US handled the crisis in its early stages (or lack of handling). It’s kind of one of those situations where if it’s not your problem, no need to help out. Well, now it is most definitely our problem! Our current leadership is actively doing things in an effort to contain, but because of state versus national law systems and the enforcement of these laws, it doesn’t seem to be as effective as it should. Also, people are still getting sick if it’s not corona, and these people can be mistaken for corona cases, which causes panic and mistreatment.