My Own Government Blog

If I were to create a government, it would be consisted of equal amounts of men and women. It would be a government that had a president instead of a king or queen. The government would be modeled after the US government because that seems the most fair with the three branches that have to agree on things. Even though my government would be modeled after the US government, I would not give all the power to the president. The President would be there to supervise rather then boss around the other branches. There would be citizen elections every few years for the senate and house, and the mayors of the states would come to be in the senate while the house would be off three people from each state; one man, one woman, and one person of another gender would be elected. There would be no set religion for the country and people would be free to choose their own religion and jobs. For the military, there would be an army, a navy, and an air force so that those who go into the military can choose their desired strand of work. Presidents would not have the power to take away healthcare nor give it. Healthcare would be for all citizens and it would be equal. Those who couldn't afford it would be given free healthcare covered by the government. That is what I want in a government. That and for the politicians to listen to the citizens they are representing. 


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