My Government
The part of what would my government be like got me excited, so here it goes. My government would be modeled very closely to Switzerland, as they are the #1 best-governed country in the world. One important factor they maintain is good checks and balances, which I would transfer over into my government style. As well as that, Denmark has a well regulated electoral process, so I would incorporate that as well, because who doesn't want a fair voting process. As well as that, using the post oak school as an example, I would change community meetings in the sense that there is one elected person to do all the meetings, like a "president". Moving away from this, Hobbes's opinion on Government was that all persons are naturally equal, and people can do whatever they needed to do to live. As well as that, it was up to the individual to complete the supreme power. Both locke and Hobbs agree there should be an official document imposing peace, but Locke things the rights of individuals should be left up to the one person in power. He also feels that those with property can do whatever they would like with it, as long as it does not affect anyone else. I think that idea can be helpful, but can also lead to disorganization in neighborhoods. For example, planned, government-regulated neighborhoods look very clean and put together, but once you allow that kind of creativity to the homeowner, you lose control of height, color, look, and more. I personally enjoy the look of clean-cut neighborhoods, since then zoning would come into play as well. I wouldn't go by his rule in my governmt, I would do my own regulated houses, were they all have to follow the same color palette and height requirements.