Modernisation Theory
Izabella Curtis
Mr. Roddy
8 December 2019
Modernisation Theory
Modernisation theory is one of the oldest theories of development. Created around the 1950's by western cultures, such as the US, UK, and Germany. This theory states that there is only one true way of development and modernization that is in 5 stages. 1. Traditional Societies: societies that are based around farming with low technology and pre-scientific values. Countries like any 3rd world country, Brazil and Costa Rica 2. Preconditions for Take-off: Countries that start introducing money and banking into their economy countries like Mexico 3. Take-off: countries that value economic growth and are encouraging development. 4. Drive to Maturity: Countries that have a sound economic economy and have a large variety of goods, but lack of poverty is decreasing. Countries like India and China would be in this category 5. High Mass Consumption: countries that have wealth in production and consumption of modern goods and are widespread. Countries like the USA and Uk would be in this category. This theory is definitely bias and inconsiderate to other cultures and societies.