graphs and my future

The first graph I looked at was what companies would have the highest displacement rates due to the evolution of technology over time. I was intrigued to see food service as the second highest displacement rate. As someone who works in the food industry this really made me think of how technology could evolve more, since my restaurant is already very technologically advanced. I think universally through restaurants, they do need wait staff to bring the food out to the table, but I'm curious to see how the upcoming development could change that. The second graph was about the unevenness of displacement caused by technology advancement. This was interesting to me because it will probably affect where people start to move. It was interesting to me how the most condensed area of displacement is right by Vegas. This caused me to think about how the effect of gambling and all the fun that happens in las vegas, and how technology will affect that. Id think that people could just use gambling machines, and computers would dish out cards and all that, which would take away the need for people to work at casinos. FInally, the last graph I looked at was another one depicting the effect on technology on jobs, and the displacement in each. The difference between this one and the first one was this specified the specific job within each field. This graph struck me as interesting as well because of how food service was first again, but this time specified it into food preparation. I found this aspect of it interesting, because it would get rid of a quarter of the employees at my restaurant. I really hope I dont stay in food service forever, but nonetheless, I dont think I would ever be trusted to handle a knife in a professional setting so it wouldn't affect me all that much.


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