Hey, Check this out!

Jack Gross

Response to "(10/21/19) Catalan update here. Sovereignty folks!"
I picked this article because it was about something that I am personally connected with as I have a friend who lives in Barcelona and I thought that it would be nice to see what an outside news source would have to say and to see the differences between what she has had to say and what the news said.
The article talks about how the Catalonian independence movement began a few years ago and resistance towards the independence movement began to gather in the form of a campaign by the Spanish Government. This campaign intended to "decapitate" the movement but has pretty much failed. Even with the resistance from the Government there have been a growing number of mobilizations through protests and civil disobedience by the people. However the independence movement has had many disadvantages. All of the news that I have been able to see here in the states has only talked about there being clashes between the police and the general protesters. What I have been told by my friend there is that all of the recent violent clashes between police and protesters are against one of the more extremist groups in the movement. This one group of protesters consists of around 250 people and they are the only ones of the protesters that are starting fights. Another thing that Maria told me is that police are attacking people randomly in the streets to a point where she hasn't left her house for anything except school in a long time because it is too dangerous to go out. also she said that there are "fascist groups of people going around and attacking protesters". One massive advantage that the Government of Spain has over Catalonian independence supporters is that the government controls the news and is able to warp things to their support. Throughout the duration of these conflicts Spain has refused to talk with Catalonian leaders about the whole situations and is just perpetuating the situation. This is all gonna end really well, or really bad and I'm very nervous to see how it all plays out. Let's hope it ends well.



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