Hey! Check this out!
The article I checked out was how to feed the world sustainably. This article mainly talks about how if we need everyone to have a healthy diet in 2050, we need to make some serious changes. If we want everyone to continue leading a normal life. It explains how agriculture uses half the worlds vegetative land, uses 90% of all water used by humans, and generates 1/4 of emissions that lead to global warming. And, the article says, 820 million are not fed because they can't afford food. As a solution, Waite says we need to do produce 30% more food in the same land area, stop deforestation, and cut down carbon emissions by food production by 2/3. He also says this all has to be done while reducing poverty levels and maintaining the levels and habitat loss. There are 22 "solutions" to this issue which address specific solution based on where you live. Some of the biggest solutions he found reduced food waste, switch the diets of high-meat consumers to partially plant-based foods, boost crop yields and increase the output of milk and meat, and overall improve fisheries. Although we would make a difference by doing all of those things, it may not be enough. Either way, moving forward if we switch to more sustainable ways of food production, it will be much more beneficial to the world, and its something easy we can do to start the turnaround.