Hey, Check This Out


My main reaction to this article is a mixture of shock and surprise. I knew that there were a lot of protests going on like Hong Kong, Chile, Lebanon, and the Climate Strikes, but I had not idea that there were even more than that. The article mentions that social media allowed protestors to communicate quickly and also see how the other protests are doing, which I totally agree with. I can't go on social media without seeing at least one thing about one of the many different protests going on in the world right now. Perhaps it's been a chain reaction of different groups seeing these big protests in places like Hong Kong actually making some progress that's inspired people in other places such as Catalonia or South America to start protests themselves. Subsequently, with each new protest, another group with underlying frustrations against their government decides to protest. As far as I know, most of the protests are for good causes, but I wonder how long this cycle of protesting can go on for. None of these protests have stopped or fizzled out yet, and I wonder how that will last. Ideally, it would go until the protestors goal is achieved, but that might take months or even years. In all honesty, I'm a little surprised that there haven't been more protests here in America. It could totally be that I'm just not paying attention to the news, but from what I've seen there haven't been many major protests outside of the climate strikes. However, even with the climate strikes, those didn't last anywhere near as long as any of the other protests, but they did happen world wide though. I also feel like all of these protests shine a light on the state of the world right now as well. People who have been complacent with their governments treating them poorly have finally had enough, and are starting to take action. Not only that, but they are also inspiring people to do the same in the process. As sad as it is to think that there are such a large amount of protests happening at the moment, I also think it is very inspiring to see so many people all over the world fighting for what the believe in. 


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