Hey, Check This Out! Global Wealth Inequality

An article by CNBC shared information regarding the huge wealth gap not just in America but across the world. Included in this article was a chart to help individuals find where on a scale from -2-11 they would fall under. The chart shows that roughly 1.5 billion people live under the -2-2 range while only 2 people in the entire world can be ranked an 11. What shocked me most was looking at the income required to meet these ranges. In order to reach a 4 your family must have a net worth of at least $10,000, this level is recognized as possibly being able to afford a car but not yet afford a mortgage on a house. Levels -2 through 4 account for 4.5 billion people, that is over a half of the population of the entire world that does not make enough money to afford a home. In response to this many people, including millionaires, are bringing to question how much money is too much for a single person to have. I agree with the statement made by Mark Zuckerberg in response to Bernie Sanders' comment that billionaires should not exist. Mark Zuckerberg said, "I don't know if I have an exact threshold on what amount of money someone should have but at some level no one deserves to have that much money." In terms of global politics money has a lot to do with power. Having money gives people the ability to influence others because they have something almost all people are striving to attain. At a certain point this gives to much power to those with enormous wealth.
In my opinion people who have benefited from the system that has caused such uneven wealth distribution should use their money similarly to the Gates and Zuckerberg families. These families are huge contributors to different foundations and non-profits to benefit the less fortunate. Just the act of acknowledging that their levels of wealth are far above necessary for a single household and being willing to donate large sums of money is a huge step in the right direction. The current system makes it easy for the rich to get richer and as a result has created an unsustainable economy. Ray Dalio said, "We're at a juncture. We can do it together or we will do it in conflict, that there will be a conflict between the rich and the poor." From this I believe that the world is in a place that requires change and in order for that to happen people at both ends of the spectrum are going to have to be willing to make change because working together will be substantially more beneficial and easier in the long run.


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