Hey Check This Out: Eating Sustainably!!
This week I read 'How to feed the world without destroying the planet.' It was about the connection we have with food in relation to global warming. One major point covered in the article was why we should cut down on our meat intake. I myself am not a vegetarian or vegan so I'm going to sound like such a hypocrite saying the following. Here are just a few reasons we should cut down on the amount of meat we eat:1. It uses a ridiculous amount of water (for the animals to drink and to grow the crops the animals are eating). 2. It takes a LOT of farmland to grow enough crops for the animals to eat. 3. Commercial fishing leads to the destruction of coral reefs and other forms of ocean life. 4. The raising of these animals generates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, trucks, and automobiles combined. As Americans meat is major a part of our daily life and it comes with almost every meal. We eat around 270 pounds of meat in a year per person, whereas areas such as Bangladesh eat only around 4 pounds per person in a year. While I'm not trying to convince anyone to lessen their intake of meat, I do think it is extremely important to become aware of these effects on the environment. Another way of eating more sustainably listed in the article was extending the shelf life or products so there is less wasted food. This includes modifying fruits to help them retain water longer. Lastly, I think it's so important to just become more aware of what your purchasing, where that product is coming from, and think about how does that product contributes to this issue.