Siberian Repression: Realist

It's no secret that Siberia has been getting the short end of the stick from Russia for a while, mostly being used for it's vast resources but being just a bit too tundra-y to get any real settlements. Back in the early to mid 20th century, during the Soviet Unions reign over most of Asia, Siberia was used as not only fuel for the super nation but also as a form of garbage dump. Figurative garbage of course, what I'm talking about is the kind of stuff that the country didn't want in it's major cities, mostly criminals and victims of ethnic cleansing. Joseph Stalin built tons of Gulags in Siberia, sending thousands of prisoners to their icy gates. For the latter group of people, they served a similar fate, the exile settlements in Siberia were populated with people of certain nationalities that the soviets feared. They were getting ready for full on war, they didn't want the risk of a nationality acting as a fifth column. These people were technically deported, being sent to these exile settlements, to labor camps, or to gulags. There was also another form of living that doesn't involve Siberia, supervised residence. They would have the NKVD watch over them to make sure they didn't do anything suspicious. This is realist power in my opinion, because they are using their might to quash this territory and all of it's population by using it as essentially a garbage dump. This caused Siberia to fall even further, now it's a huge frontier that is essentially just an icy tundra spanning for miles as scouring winds blast through it. The only important things that really exist there anymore are the few functioning prisons, the many ghost towns, and the few settlements. The entire territory serves the purpose of a large resource farm for Russia at this point, it's as if Greenland was literally tied to Denmark.


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