hong kong

Realist power is all about being stronger than everyone else. It also relies on military strength. They’re interested in military power and economic sanctions. Liberalists recognize military power but they're more concerned with finding common grounds and common interests to gain power through laws, international institutions, human rights, and global trade. 

Hong Kong was leased for 99 years and it doesn't feel like its a part of China anymore, but legally it is and China wants it back and under their control. When the lease was up, they made a deal one country two systems with Hong Kong. China is using liberalist power to try and control Hong Kong again. For example, one law they're enforcing is that anyone who is charged with a criminal offense in Hong Kong, is legally required to be sent to China to serve their time. Laws in China are disqualifying pro democracy legislatures. In 2014, China allowed Hong Kong voters to choose leaders but it had to be from an approved list. China is using liberalist power in laws to keep Hong Kong under its power. 

Hong Kong feels its own sovereignty is being trampled by China’s. China feels differently, they feel like they're not doing anything wrong because they are the real sovereign power. How long is China going to let the Hong Kong protests go on before they use realist power? Are the laws going to get rid of the people who are protesting? Will liberalist legal power prevent use of realist power in terms of military power? 


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