COVID-19 Pandemic Blog
Izabella Curtis
Mr. Roddy
26 March 2020
The COVID-19 virus started in China (December 2019) and became a global pandemic by March 2020. In those short 3 months this virus spread to Europe and North America and has greatly affected these countries economic status and has stopped the day to day lives of the citizens. After reading the opinion piece it made me think of all the citizens that are losing health care benefits due to this virus. Independent businesses that can no longer pay their employees and the citizens that are losing their health insurance due to the loss of their job are now suffering greatly due to this pandemic. I feel like although the opinion piece has some great ideas and real concerns for underdeveloped countries such as Africa. Concerns about how underdeveloped countries have health issues with Ebola and HIV/AIDS cases. The lack of money these countries have due to people no longer traveling as well as no longer contributing to their society. The lack of “petty trading” makes underdeveloped countries unable to support the citizens' income. Developed countries like the United states need to stabilize their economy before they can begin to help other underdeveloped countries. I feel like once American citizens can get equal health care, a human right all individuals deserve, our government can begin to help underdeveloped countries. I am not saying we cannot start this before because obviously equal health care is not an easy task. If it was so easy everyone would have it already but I feel like our government should prioritize equal health care for citizens. Unfortunately this is only the beginning of this pandemic. As I said in the beginning of this blog, we are only at the end of month 3. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it will be when this virus hits those underdeveloped countries. Please stay inside, wash your hands, and cover your mouth. Thank you.