COVID-19 Blog
As the spread of COVID-19 becomes greater many opinions on how to respond to this global pandemic have surfaced. Just a few months ago much of the population in the United States felt unthreatened by the virus as it spread through China, being concentrated in Wuhan, and later spreading in Europe. It was not until the virus quickly erupted in the United States that we each understood the true severity of this pandemic. Now we are seeing how individuals are being greatly impacted by this virus as we are all being asked to stay home and the everyday parts of our lives have been flipped upside down. In the opinion piece about what responsibility developed countries have for helping less developed countries I both agreed and disagreed. My initial response is that if places, like the United States, are struggling with medical resources how can we even begin to be helpful in less developed countries. Hospitals all throughout the United States are beginning to have to make life or death decision when choosing where to allocate the limited medical supplies, such as ventilators. A big reason for this struggle is the fact that the United States has not faced a deadly disease like this before and does not have the resources set up to combat it. However, as the article said many less developed countries do have these emergency medical teams equipped to deal with outbreaks because of outbreaks like Ebola that hit much harder in less developed countries. So in some ways I feel that developed countries have something to learn from less developed countries. On the flip side of that, the economy is much for stable in developed countries making us more able to create the resources we need and allocate those to others in need. I believe if the United States can quickly get a handle on the situation here, then supplies can be sent to other countries and that should be part of our responsibility. However, because this pandemic is unlike something any of us or our families members have ever lived through before it is hard to decide what the best way to respond is. This just increases everyones fear because nobody knows what should happen or how long it will take to stop.