A Global Threat Requires a United Response

Callista Wilson 
Mr. Roddy 
Global Politics and Historical Contexts 

While COVID-19 increasingly threatens almost all corners of the world, nations should look toward unity as their strength. An article published by Inter Press Service, highlights that developed countries have the economic power and public services to protect their own people and limit the long-term spread of the virus to an impactful extent; however, many underdeveloped countries would fall into ruin from an outbreak, and could be affected far into the future. For this reason, developed countries need to realize the potential gravity of their decisions, and act in the best interests of both the world and themselves, instead of themselves alone. Put more forwardly, global threats require solutions which consider both the entire world and individual nations. If nations do not consider the futures of developing countries, COVID-19 will only persist. Further, the existence of the virus in even one place could still define the entire world’s vulnerability, because the boundary between it being contained to one location and suddenly spreading is fragile, as proven with the course of its initial spread. 

In relation to some underlying strengths of underdeveloped countries, the article states, “One potential advantage some less developed countries may have in dealing with an initial outbreak is their experience with other deadly infectious diseases.” Although this means some underdeveloped countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, are accustomed to fighting diseases such as Ebola, the spread of COVID-19 would still be detrimental due to their insufficient funds, the help they will not receive when the rest of the world is focused on their own battles with the virus, and the hindering of their ability to focus on diseases which already exist and are oppressive on their own. Also, although the World Health Organization aims to organize $675 million dollars for containing the virus and for economic relief through the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, that is not sufficient to support the amount of equipment and services which will be needed worldwide as the virus continues to spread. To improve this effort, the World Health Organization should aim to secure a greater amount of funds and resources, and Nations and international businesses with strong economic power should become the most prominent contributors.    

Through an article published by the United Nations, I found it interesting to learn that on March 23, 2020, the Secretary General António Guterres urged a withdrawal from conflicts the UN has been involved with as he stated, “I am calling for an immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world.  It is time to put armed conflict on lockdown and focus together on the true fight of our lives.” In this sense, the virus has influenced a new perspective, where conflicts which have lasted for years are seen as less immediate than the fight against COVID-19. Additionally, current conflicts work in the virus’s favor because the funds which are used for war and the barriers separating nations make less healthcare services available and hinder unity. Nations are ultimately stronger when they are united, consider each other’s different abilities, and work for each other’s interests as well as their own. Defeating the virus will undoubtedly be a continuing, tedious road, it will require support across nations, and the mending of some disconnect which has defined the past.  




Mr. Roddy said…
Hi Callista, I'm checking to see if this comment works.
Carly Gregg said…
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Carly Gregg said…
This is a very well written blog. I agree with all your points. I especially liked your last paragraph. I too found it really interesting that a global ceasefire was recently called. It shows just how serious this virus has gotten and how seriously the world is now ready to take it. In my opinion, this ceasefire should have been called several weeks earlier. I still feel like we are a little behind the spread of the disease and the world is still scrambling to keep up. It makes me a little sad that it takes a global pandemic in order to pause some of the fighting in the world, but at least we have all decided to focus on stopping COVID-19 now.
I agree with you that countries need to act in the best interests of the world as a whole. Obviously it’s sad that the virus is growing to such extremes but I hope as you said that the world will take this as a wake up call and realize the folly of war and the importance of working together. I agree that the richer countries should aid the underdeveloped but I don’t know that financial aid is the best idea if they are struggling with expenses in their own country. Given the experience with viruses that some of the underdeveloped countries have, they could actually help the richer but more experienced countries make wiser decisions. I think that simply sharing knowledge between countries could help to some degree.

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