Do Americans Support Removing Trump From Office?
Do Americans Support Removing Trump From Office? On December 18th, 2019, the House of Representatices took a huge step in history and impeached Donald Trump for abus e of his power. When searching for an article to research for this blog, I came across an article that posed the questions Do Americans support impeaching Trump and do Americans support removing Trump from office? This article inclided many polls regarding the public’s opinion on the impeachment, but one specific pole stood out to me. This poll showed support of the impeachment by political party in chronological order. Below are the statistics from the graph from when the Mueller report was made public, when Mueller testified before congress, when Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry and when the House voted to impeach Trump. Although biased, something that made me happy on this graph was the change in amount of republicans who supported the impeachment. From graph 2 through 4, the number of republican...